Dec 15, 2020

Meet Rachel Ingutti

As 2020 winds down, we’re reflecting on all of the growth and change we’ve seen at Rosie this past year. From expanding our team, partnering with new retailers all over the country, and launching two incredible pieces of software, Shop and Cater, Rosie has made great strides during this challenging time.

Someone who’s had an inside look at all of these changes is Rachel Ingutti, one of our Onboarding Specialists. This year she’s introduced our new retailers to their Rosie platform, trained them on Shop and Cater, and even been crowned the winner of our Rosie employee marketing panel competition!

Tell us a little about yourself and why you chose Rosie.

When I saw Rosie’s job listing, it really matched what I was looking for. At the time I was working for another small tech startup in the grocery industry, and I knew that I really enjoyed the atmosphere. That kind of environment allows you to get to know your coworkers well, often has a more laid back company culture, and gives you the opportunity to hone different skills and become a jack-of-all-trades. Rosie gave me all of those things.

What is something that would surprise the rest of the Rosie team to learn about onboarding?

We put a lot of work and care into configuring our sites for retailers. They really appreciate that we’re able to take the time to show them all of the customizable options and walk them through every process to ensure the site meets their needs and is exactly the way they want it.

When working with new retailers, what are some of the initial challenges?

A big challenge for new retailers is the amount of time and staff they’re going to need to fulfill these orders. People who work in the grocery industry are already time constrained to begin with. Once they get started though, they realize that many of Rosie’s tools actually save them time. For example, they no longer have to put as much time into updating product data and managing their inventories since Rosie does that for them.

In a previous interview with your colleague Jon, he mentions Onboarding runs the gamut from technical assistance to design support – what is your favorite area of expertise?

My favorite thing is personally interacting with new retailers and meeting the whole team. During those trainings, I enjoy answering their questions and learning about what they want out of Rosie so I can help make it happen. No matter how many retailer trainings I do, I still get those excited butterflies because I know how much they’re going to love learning about everything the Rosie sites have to offer.

What items do you currently have in your Rosie cart?

I always buy kale and frozen edamame, and now that it’s getting colder, I’ve been drinking a ton of lemon tea.