Seeing so many of retailers at the NGA Show at the end of February is proof positive personal connection builds long-lasting relationships, and no one knows this better than local grocers who work every day to deliver delight to your own customers.
From product demos and swag at our booth in the Technology Pavilion, to an energy-pack discussion focused on attracting and retaining talent in the workforce, plus an after party that lasted long into the night. We set out to create a welcoming space for current and new Rosie partners alike, and we succeeded on all fronts! For all of our partners who we were able to catch up with, it was a pleasure to see you again! To those who couldn’t make it in person, we are giving you the full breakdown of the Rosie NGA experience.

The booth
Clad in matching t-shirts each day of the conference, our team members took to the expo floor to demo our brand new retailer-branded mobile app and SNAP Benefits in addition to new features like cross-site navigation. Visitors who stopped by the booth scored some pretty impressive swag including red lanyards, Rosie spatulas–which were the #1 swag of NGA this year, and also signature Rosie red tote bags. Rosie also handed out VIP passes inviting guests to carry their great booth conversations over to our after hours party….more on that, keep reading!

The panel discussion
On Monday morning Founder & CEO Nick Nickitas led a workshop session on “Attracting & Inspiring for a Changing Workforce.” Nick was joined by a panel of Rosie retailer experts: Alexa Dash for Dash’s Market, Robert Rybick for Geissler’s Supermarkets, and Maggie White from the NGA Foundation. Panelists shared experiences and proven success strategies for acquiring new talent, building relationships and strengthening their teams. It was one of the most energetic and highly talked about panels from NGA this year, and Nick, Alexa, Robert and Maggie’s lively discussion even garnered attention from industry publication, Supermarket News who published a highlights article. You can read it here. Or watch a recording of the discussion here.

The late night party
You know you’ve got the hottest invitation in town when you’re running out of VIP invites before the vendor show winds down for the day! The Yard House, located at the LINQ promenade on Vegas strip warmly welcomed Rosie partners and industry guests Monday night. Described as a place where beer and food lovers unite, the Yard House offered Rosie guests a choice of 160 taps of the best American craft beer and imports. We shared a great many conversations and enjoyed plenty of thirst-quenching brews.

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of the retailers who made this year memorable. It was fantastic getting to see our partners again in person, and we can’t wait to do it again soon in 2023!